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Table of Contents: Final


Updated: Apr 13, 2023

In this blog post, I will be sharing my table of contents. I will also compare my first draft of my current table of contents. I really liked my first draft and I didn’t think that any changes needed to be made, but I realized that I wanted to add photos, so I did that. I’m very happy that the only thing I changed was adding photos because I feel like it just made it better.

First Draft of Table of Contents:

Final Table of Contents:


Same vivid colors

Same articles

Same layout

Same fonts


Images in the final one while there are no images in the first draft

In conclusion, only one change was made which was adding photos in the corners. When I created my first draft, I went all out and tried to make it as perfect as possible, I put my all into the first draft table of contents just because I knew exactly what I wanted. Although I left the class with no constructive criticism towards my table of contents on the first draft, I decided to add photos in the corners. I am very pleased with the way it looks and I am happy to use it as my final table of contents.

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