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Double-Page Spread: Final


In this blog post, I will be discussing and sharing my final double-page spread. Many changes were made in the first draft. I used all of the constructive criticism I received in class to create my final double-page spread. I would say that the first draft is really different from the final, double-page spread because several changes needed to be made.

First draft of Double-Page Spread:

  • The first image on the first page of double page spread is in a polaroid frame with dull color

  • The quote is in a thick light pink outline

  • No name under the quote

  • Purple background

  • "Golf is a sport that has been around for over 600 years" The number in this sentence was changed in the final double-page spread.

Final Double-Page Spread:

  • The first image on the first page of double page spread is in a polaroid frame with a bright white color

  • The quote is in a thinner darker pink outline

  • Name is under the quote

  • Blue background

  • "Golf is a sport that has been around for over 400 years" The number in this sentence was changed from "600" to "400"


  • Same fonts

  • Same subheadings

  • Same images

  • Same pull quote

In conclusion, several changes were made to create the final double-page spread. The criticism helped me create the perfect double-page spread. I am very happy with the results because I think it looks more girly, and the layout looks better. I had difficulty changing the color of the Polaroid on the first page of the double-page spread. The issue was that I couldn’t change it to white directly from Canva so I had to edit the image on markup through the Apple camera roll. I did this by choosing another Polaroid template and coloring over it with white on my phone. With that being said, I am very happy with the result and in my eye the magazine is perfect.

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