In this blog post, I will be discussing my final masthead. In my masthead, I tried to express young females because my target audience is young females, but I also wanted each element to have a meaning behind it. I will go into detail about the elements of my masthead and why I chose those elements.
This will be my final magazine masthead. I have chosen the color pink and the text is in Secular One in size 69.5 with an echo effect.
I chose pink because my target audience is young females and pink is a color that represents females and is also liked by the majority of females. I chose the color green because since my magazine is based on golf, it represents grass and the outdoors. I think these colors work perfectly together.
Font style:
I chose to use the secular font because it is very easy to read and appealing. As a young female, I prefer reading simple text because it is easier to read and keeps me entertained since it doesn't strain my brain to read.
Font Size:
I used a font size of 69.5 because I wanted my masthead to be big and visible to the viewer. I think a large masthead grabs the attention of the reader and helps them know what the magazine will be about right away from just looking at the colors and style.
Font effect:
In my masthead, I used an echo effect to represent consistency. The echo creates a pattern one after the other and that is exactly what consistency is, so I figured it worked perfectly for my masthead I think this was a very creative idea and it just adds a little more enthusiasm to the masthead.
In conclusion, I had so much fun creating this masthead. I feel like I got to express myself through this, and I think It represents my target audience very well. I think I did a really good job of making it look girly and fun while having a meaning behind each element.