In order to produce my final magazine, executing audience research is important since it enables us to collect content for my golf magazine that will appeal to our target audience. I did the target audience survey to see what type of audience would read my magazine and what they would want to see. I received my quantitative and qualitative data and analyzed it.
My Questions:
What is your occupation?
What type of magazines interest you?
How do you usually read magazines?
What kind of content do you usually enjoy in the magazine genre you chose?
Do you consider yourself a/an...
Do you play a sport?
How athletic would you consider yourself?
Do you believe women athletes should be payed equally as men?
Do you frequently read/watch any material discussing sports?
What sport do you think is the most watched?
Women athletics should be promoted more
Which gender athletics do you think is more entertaining to watch?
What type of information will you like to see in my magazine?
In order to get people to fill out my survey, I walked around my class and showed my classmates my phone, and said "can you please fill out my survey." Not only did I get enough people to fill out my survey, but I got to do their surveys and also talk to classmates I've never spoken to. I really liked doing this because it helped me to get to know my classmates a little more or just get to know them in general.
I used this question to get to know what the age group would be or the people reading my magazine. Age is an example of a demographic question. As shown in the chart, the quantitative data of the people who filled out the survey is that 90% of the people who filled out my survey ages range from 15-24, which I think would be the perfect age group for my golf magazine. Due to the fact that the age group 15-24 is more popular, I will be aiming my magazine at that age group.
I used this question to find out which gender was most popular within the people that completed my survey. Gender is an example of a demographic question. The quantitative data of this question came out to 50% men and 50% women, so I will be choosing which gender I want to target my magazine at. I believe since i'm a girl and I understand girls more, I will be targeting my magazine at females so I can also relate to the content I put in my magazine.
I used this question to get to know what the people who filled out my survey do. The majority of them are students, meaning they are pretty young and don't have a career yet. This helps me to get to understand what they would do in a typical day to day life. Occupation is an example of a demographic question because it is asking what is your type of lifestyle. Students usually have to read materials so maybe they could use my magazine in a research project or for any school work.
I used this question to understand what type of magazines the people who filled out my survey would read. The results are very clear that sports magazines are the most popular and they are the most liked by the people who completed my survey. I am very happy to see that sports magazines are the most popular because my magazine will be a sports magazine and there is a very high chance that the people who filled out my survey will like it.
I used this question to see what form of magazines the people who filled out my magazine liked. The results show me that the majority like online and digital magazines which is very good to hear because my magazine will be digital. This is an example of a pychographic question because it is asking what way you usually read magazine and that is a specific thing you like and is the way you like to do things or read material to be specific.
I used this question to see what type of content I should include in my magazine. The results show me that the people who filled out my survey like magazines with images and information which is what I will include in my magazine. I will use engaging images to keep the reader entertained and wanting to read more. This question is an example of a pychographic question because it asks what you like and what you prefer in the magazines you choose to read.
I used this question to see what type of people filled out my survey. The majority of the people that filled out my survey are explorers who search for discovery and new sensations which means they are always looking for something to learn and something they like. This question is an example of a pychographic question because it is asking what type of person you are.
I used this question to see if the people that filled out my survey are interested in playing sports. I am not surprised that the majority of the people that filled out my survey play a sport. I am very happy to see that, most of the people that completed my survey play a sport, so that means that they will most likely be interested in a sports magazine.
I used this question to see how athletic the people who filled out my survey are. The majority of the people that completed my survey consider themselves either a 4 or 5 on the athletic scale which means they are very athletic. I like to see this because the more athletic they are, the better because they will be more open to things about athletics. This question is an example of a pychographic question because it asks how athletic you would consider yourself, which can show how you think of yourself or how you consider yourself.
I used this question to see if the people that completed my survey believe that women's athletics should be paid equally as men. I am so elated to see that people believe that women's sports should be supported and paid equally to men. These results helped me realize that the people that completed my survey support women's athletics and think they should be considered as important as men.
I used this question to see if the people that completed my survey were interested in reading sports material. The majority of the people said they do read sports material. This helped me understand that they will read my magazine because it is about sports and they are interested in sports material. This question is an example of a pychographic question because it is asking if you are the type of person to read material about sports and that is something specific about someone.
I used this question to see what sport the people who filled out my survey were the most watched. The results were that soccer was the most watched and, to be honest, I am not surprised because soccer is a very interesting sport to watch. Not many people chose golf and baseball, but there were no votes at all for hockey or American football.
I used this question to see if the people that completed my survey believe that women's athletics is as important and should be promoted more. The results were that 90% agree that it should be promoted more. This makes me very happy as a female because it makes me feel that people think women's athletics is also very important, which it is but isn't promoted as much as men's athletics.
I used this question to see which gender athletics the people who filled out my survey find more entertaining. To no surprise, men's athletics is more entertaining to watch according to the results. I think this is because men's athletics is promoted more causing it to be better known than women's athletics. This question is an example of a pychographic question because it asks what gender sport one prefers to watch and that is pretty specific.
I used this question to see what type of content/information the people who filled out my survey will like to see. The results show that people will like to see mindset tips, preparation tips, statistics, and top-ranked golf courses. I will use these results to put what the people who filled out my survey suggested. I am very happy with these results.
In conclusion, I will use all of these results and make a magazine that will fit my target audience. I am very happy with the results I got because it is in line with what I wanted my target audience to be. I believe these results will help me make my magazine perfect and suitable for the people that filled out my survey.