In this blog post, I will be discussing fonts and the importance of a masthead. The term "font" describes a collection of text or typographic characters that may be printed or displayed in a certain size and style. It helps readers in understanding the text's content. One's target audience might be brought in by using the right color, font, and text size choices. Fonts can provide visual elements regarding the order in which to read a document and which sections are more crucial than others. Fonts can even be used to determine a reader's reading speed for certain content. A masthead is very important to inform because it is a list at the top of a page that contains the names of the editors, authors, and owners in addition to the name of the newspaper or magazine.
In this magazine, the masthead is in neutral colors that can attract both females and males. They probably chose purple and yellow because it matches the uniform in the main image, and they also use yellow to match the colors in the crowd. This masthead is very simple and easy to read which is a very important part to attract the target audience. This masthead is in a san serif text which is simple but gets the point across. It is in a big size font and bold which catches the attention of the reader. I believe his masthead is simple but gets the point across right away, and it may attract both genders because purple and yellow are very unisex colors that both genders may like. I believe"Fantasy Football" is used as the title because that's what the magazine is about, and they want to make the reader know what the magazine is about if they didn't have the main image to show what the magazine is about.
In this magazine, the masthead is a yellow color which may attract both genders because it is a very unisex color. The text is big and in a bold font. The masthead is in a san serif text which makes it very easy for the reader to read. I believe " SLAM" is used to describe is certain movement in basketball relating to a slam dunk. Having "SLAM" as the masthead can attract people who play basketball because in someone's head who plays basketball, the word "slam" reminds them of a type of shot. I like this masthead organization because it is simple, uses unisex colors, and is very easy to read which helps get the point of the magazine quickly but clearly. It creates a strong brand identity because the brand is related to basketball and the word " slam is very common in basketball.
My magazine name will be "Consistency is Key" because I love the ring to it and how consistency is the key because one needs to keep practicing at something to improve or to stay good at it.
I would love to use a simple serif font that is clear and easy to read but looks modern and classy at the same time
Serif fonts I tried:
Font names in order: Purple Purse, Eb Garamond, Merriweather, IM Fell English SC, Vollkorn Sc, And Playfair Display SC
The two fonts I like the most out of all the serif fonts I tried are "Purple Purse" and "IM Fell English SC". I feel like they will fit into a sports magazine very well since they look classy and fitting.
Although I had an idea of doing a serif font, I still wanted to test out and experiment with san-serif fonts.
San-serif fonts I tried:
Fonts in order: Oswald, Russo One, Secular One, Days One, And Jockey One
Out of all these san-serif fonts I experimented with, I really "Secular One", because it looks very strong and powerful just like how sports can be.
My overall favorite font to use for my masthead would have to be "Secular One" because "Consistency Is Key" sounds very strong and "Secular One" font would help the reader get an idea that if you aren't serious and consistent about what you are doing, you won't improve.