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Audience Profile Analysis


Updated: Apr 9, 2023

This post will be discussing the type of audience targeted to my magazine and who is most likely to read it. Target audience is the intended people that the magazine should reach

based on if they can relate through interests, gender, age,education, social class, ethnicity, profession. Then I will discuss the type of lifestyle, activities, personality or values the audience reading the magazine would have.



Age: The cover would attract people 13 to 35 because women of all ages who have an interest for golf would be attracted to read this. Ages 13 to 30 are the ages that golfers seem to be the best and care the most about their game.

Gender: This magazine would attract mainly women due to the main image and the pink text which relates to femininity. The title is also " Women & Golf," which attracts more women to read a magazine specified to their gender and interest.

Education: I think this magazine cover would attract more high school students or college students, because the majority of schools have golf teams and reading this magazine may be relatable to the women if they need advice for their next school match or just to better their game and mindset.

Social Class: This magazine cover would be targeted to people who are in either upper middle class (A) or middle class(B) due to the high cost of equipment and essentials to play the sport in general.

Ethnicity: I believe this magazine cover wouldn't attract a specific ethnicity group, because there are many women all over the world who play golf as it is known globally. Placing a white woman on a magazine cover may attract more white women to read the magazine because they can relate to their skin color. This causes a lack of darker skinned people to read this magazine since they won't feel attracted to read it since they might think there is a difference between the skin colors and golf.

Profession: This magazine cover would attract more of students that are still in school who want to improve their game or just hear anything about another woman's perspective which the reader may be able to relate to as a female golfer.


I think the women that would be attracted to read this magazine would be the type of women who are very serious about their game and practice constantly to keep improving so they don't lose their skills. I believe the type of women reading this magazine would be strong and serious about everything they do due to the facial expression on the woman in the main image. The lifestyle I believe the audience would have is a lifestyle of going to school, playing golf for many hours a day and taking every single thing they do in their day to day life, very seriously. The person in the main image looks very fierce and serious which would most likely make a person who is that way want to read the magazine because they would feel as if they relate to the person in the main image.


Age: This magazine cover would attract females from ages 17-28 because the main image is three girls who look as if their age is in that range. I believe it would attract those ages because more of the women around those ages dress like how they are dressed in the main image.

Gender: Due to the main image and the pink writing, which is linked with femininity, this magazine would mostly attract women. Additionally, the title "Ladies Golf" encourages more women to read a magazine targeted to their interests and gender.

Education: I believe this magazine cover would interest more high school or college students. Since most schools have golf teams, reading this magazine may be related to the ladies whether they need guidance for their next school match or just to improve their skill and mentality.

Social Class: Due to the high cost of gear and other necessities needed to play the sport, this magazine cover would be targeted to upper middle class (A) or middle class (B) individuals.

Ethnicity: Considering how popular golf is worldwide and how many ladies play it, I think this magazine cover wouldn't appeal to a particular race. Being able to relate with the white woman on the cover, white women may be more likely to read the magazine. Due to the possibility that they may assume there is a difference between skin colors and golf, persons with darker complexion don't feel drawn to read this magazine. Darker skinned people would feel more attracted to read a magazine with dark skinned people as the main image because they'll feel as if they can relate better.

Profession: This magazine cover would get more attention from students who are still in school and who want to get better at golf or who just want to learn about another woman's viewpoint that they might be able to connect to as female golfers.


I believe the women attracted to this magazine cover would be the type of women who are trying to improve their skill in the sport they play. I believe they would be women who are happy majority of the time, dress conservatively because the girls in the main image are dressed very appropriately. I think the women attracted to the magazine cover would be very delicate women and gentle because of how the main image women are posed, very girly. The lifestyle of the women attracted to this magazine cover would most likely be going to school, doing homework and playing golf in the evening to end off the day. I believe they would be females who are very clean and organized because this magazine cover has clean looking girls who have their life together. I think those types of women would be attracted to read this magazine because the ladies in the main image look very charming and pleasant to be around.


I am using my research from part one to determine my target audience by taking into consideration text colors, the main image and clothing on the person in the main image.

In conclusion, my target audience will be females ranging from ages 13-25 who are in either high school or college. Social classes from underclass and higher with the profession of being a student in either highschool or college. They will be females who are kind and charming.

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